Rely on expert services for your home!
Algae Eliminators is your trusted local pressure washing contractor.
We use only the latest soft washing technology and quality specialized cleaning products. With our innovative equipment and the most effective processes, we work to deliver excellent and efficient power washing services based on quality and integrity.
With a good understanding of a complete cleaning process, we harness our skills, techniques and quality pressure washing equipment to give you that sparkling clean you envision. We will safely and gently deep-clean your home’s exterior without the use of high-pressure water, eliminating potential damage to your siding and other surfaces.
Superior customer service and guaranteed results are our commitment to you. We aim to create another life-time customer!
For house washing, we use the latest soft washing technology and specialized cleaning solutions to clean your home’s exterior safely and effectively without the use of high-pressure water, which can damage your siding and other surfaces.
Tired of looking at all those black streaks on your roof? Algae Eliminators roof cleaning can protect your roof from the harmful bacteria (Gloeocapsa Magma) that feeds on your shingles causing those unsightly black streaks.
Algae Eliminators Pressure Washing has the experience and equipment to effectively bring out the beauty of your concrete and other hard surfaces.
Rust stains can build up over time from metal building materials, gutter backups, or irrigation.
A clean walkway or a clean parking lot can make a huge difference in how customers view your store!
Clean vehicles bring a positive image to your company and is an integral part of the overall maintenance.
Please contact us to set up your pressure washing service or with any questions on our services. We look forward to working with you!
Open today | 08:00 am – 08:00 pm |
Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 8:00pm
Saturday: 12:30pm - 8:00pm
Sunday: Closed